Considerations for the Acquisition of a Chatbot
How to tell if your product really needs a chatbot
Cheating is when you skip the hard work of developing a strategy and ask the ever friendly Claude to write one for you instead.
The personalized AI research assistant finds its voice, but maybe not yours
AI Meets Media
Little postcards to you all before we get down to business.
"I'd love to be a fly on the wall for that postmortem."
The pressure is high in the AI world right now and baselines are wobbling.
It’s about forcing speech on you, and forcing platforms to host speech they otherwise wouldn’t want to.
The best thing at the inaugural Paris deeep AI Art Fair was generative art from 55 years ago.
One of the clauses of the modern social contract is that adults should follow the news. This may sound onerous, but the bar is quite low. We’re talking about being aware of the big stories, maybe engaging with a bit of analysis from different perspectives, perhaps even spending a
From AI appropriation to browsers that evade monetization, the foundations of the Internet teeter
Evaluating whether out-of-the-box LLM technology can assist with copy editing at a professional level.
"I don’t know, but I am not ready to leave our democracy in the hands of citizen journalists on TikTok."